Manufacturing industry

A tool to easily manage, plan, control, analyze and improve operations

Combine your solutions

The unique flexibility of Platform ADD has enabled us to combine solutions for a variety of industries, not least for the manufacturing industry.

ISO Certification According to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 has long been important in the manufacturing industry. Therefore, the industry has been early on to ask for efficient management systems. Addsystems first customers Herdins and Rötmotaverken have been ISO-certified with ADD as a platform since the year 2002.

We operate within these areas.

Metal Industry

Our customers in the metal industry often have high quality requirements. Key performance management occur and also Case management With a large width and verksamhetsan passning.


In the chemical industry, environmental and quality issues are of paramount importance. Therefore, ADD can be of great benefit. 


In the engineering industry, high demands are placed on quality and environmental issues. Customers working according to the ISO-TS16949 standard can connect jobs with it in Add in an easy way. We also support reporting key figures monthly and presenting them visually on the home page.


In Add, it is easy to find, create, and share information, which is something our customers in the consumer products sector appreciate.


In the automotive industry, high demands are placed on quality and environmental issues. Customers working according to the ISO-TS16949 standard can connect jobs with it in Add in an easy way. We also support reporting key figures monthly and presenting them visually on the home page.


Medical Technology

Our customers in the field of medical technology and the pharmaceutical sector benefit greatly from the careful information management in ADD. A common option is the possibility of enhanced electronic signature upon approval. This means complementing approval.

Popular management systems

Document management

in Add Tired of searching for the right document? With Add document management, you save time by gathering all documents in one platform. This way, you can work with the same documents, provide feedback, and easily comment on each other’s work. Read more here →

Case management

Do you also want to get an overview of your cases, documents and tasks? Add case management simplifies your planning and structuring of tasks by giving you a quick overview of deviations and what is relevant. Read more here →

Process management

Do you want to optimize workflows and reduce risks? With Add Process Management, you can create a complete description of the organization’s activities, routines and results to give employees a clear picture of the company’s function. Avoid missing important steps and minimize the risk of errors. Read more here →